Frequently Asked Questions

When viewing the schedule click on the Settings menu option in the top right corner. On the third line down on this settings page you will see a row of options, click the Personal Calendar Sync Settings link. You will now see the options for setting the system up to update your personal calendar. Each option is explained with instructions, but do not hesitate to Contact Us if you need further assistance.

If you are not receiving schedule change confirmation and/or schedule reminder emails check the following...
  1. Check your junk mail or spam folder to be certain these emails are not being delivered there. If you find them in your junk mail or spam folder take appropriate steps to ensure emails from are not seen as junk mail or spam and delivered to your inbox.
  2. If any expected emails have not been received in a reasonable amount of time and they have not been delivered to your junk folder, Contact Us and we will work with you to solve the issue.

Categories are used to give visual cues on the schedule for significant shifts and can be tracked automatically for hours worked. As an example, Holidays are commonly used as a category. It is possible to associate an entire day of shifts or specific shifts to a Holiday category. When this is done the associated shifts will display the category color indicating the shift is significant and hovering over the shift will show the name of the category. Then, when tracking hours, these Holiday hours can be calculated separately to handle any pay differential there may be for the category shifts.

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