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About Our Web Schedule
Hi, I’m Mark Smith, Founder of Our Web Schedule, LLC.
I’m a software developer and spouse of a physician...
Not necessarily in that order...
And thus our story...
OurWebSchedule.com began after some time of seeing my wife deal with her schedule as an emergency medicine physician. Her group had always worked with basically a paper schedule in which everyone had their own copies of each month for the year. Each physician would make hand written shift changes on their own copies and have to, if they remembered, make hand written changes on the one master copy in the physician lounge at work. At times when trying to trade a shift they would initially contact the wrong person because they didn’t know of a previous trade. There were also times when physicians would forget about trades and be late for shifts. These were issues in addition to having to carry around a stack of papers that was the schedule and trying to coordinate it with family activities. It seemed there was room for improvement.
Initially the project was to create a web based schedule that allowed for changes where all providers could see an always current schedule and receive change notifications and reminders about traded shifts. Design of the system was based on how my wife’s group handled, or needed to handle, their schedule and continually bouncing ideas off of her. After off and on work over a period of time we began to talk with her group about setting the site up for their use just to see what everyone thought. The response was positive. New ideas and possibilities were soon discussed and the scope of the project expanded.
Today many of the possibilities have been realized. Features such as tracking hours worked and reimbursements help providers keep information organized. Exporting tracked information for direct import into payroll systems has improved accuracy and saves many administrative hours per month. The ability to sync the schedule with one’s personal calendar and securely store company documents for providers to view and download have improved individual and group communication.
Other ideas are in the works and we are always happy to discuss any customization that would help your group improve its scheduling efficiency.
Thank you,
Mark W. Smith
Our Web Schedule, LLC
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